A critical and exegetical commentary on the Revelation of St. John
by Charles, R. H. (Robert Henry), 1855-1931
FOUND! £2 million of Gold at the Old Mines at North Molton, Devon
Hello! My name is Fred Harding and I want to tell you about a remarkable discovery I made, so remarkable in fact that I wrote a book about my adventures entitled "North Molton Gold! published for the Kindle and as a paperback.
It all began in April 2012. I was developing the website for the North Molton Council and History Society when upon reading their book about the village that they had published in 2011 upon which the website was being themed I came across an obscure sentence that captured my attention like a bolt of lightning. It simply said, "Small traces of gold are still found their today by specimen collectors".
Gold! What gold? With the television bombarding us daily with advertisements to sell our personal gold for high prices, here I was living in an area where gold could be found. Wow! I wanted to know more and the book is the result of my endeavours.
What you are about to read is an extraordinary story. Instead of finding "small traces" of gold, I discovered a virtual treasure chest of gold worth between £¾ to £2 million. My evidence is backed up by the British Geological Survey, the world's oldest national geological survey and the United Kingdom's premier centre for earth science information and expertise. Additional evidence was provided by a major mining company who did a survey in the 1980s with very positive results, but the company by that time found itself in financial difficulties before it could invest in mining operations at the mine.

I invite you to travel with me to the mines of North Molton where I tread the ground and explore the site where one hundred and fifty years ago trod when it was a hive of activity, the centre of extensive mining operations that employed hundreds of people. During our investigation we will meet incredible people whose parents and grand-parents were involved in the mines and who tell extraordinary stories of what happened there.

Conspiracies, intrigue, fraud and gold fever, it is all here and more. But what about the gold? Was gold ever found at the North Molton mines or were the tales of nuggets and reports of gold discoveries all part of an elaborate scheme designed to entice would-be investors to part with their money on false hopes of rich rewards. And if the stories of gold are true, what about today?

Can we still find gold there now? Nobody thought so but, a mining company contacted me having read my book and shortly thereafter, in January 2013, they carried out a four-day survey. The company confirmed that commercial quantities of gold existed in the spoil heaps of the mines, exactly where I had told them where to look in the book, but just when a mining agreement was to be signed with the owner of the land something unexpected happened. To find out what that was you will have to read my book.