Times of the Gentiles

BOOK: The Times of the Gentiles Are Fulfilled

Times of the Gentiles
Printed Paperback Edition
692 pages
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1539686736
ISBN-13: 978-1539686736
Product Dimensions: 17.8 x 4 x 25.4 cm
Times of the Gentiles
Kindle Edition
File Size: 18004 KB
Print Length: 692 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: Tekline Publishing (16 Dec. 2015)
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray Not Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

Middle East History as you have never seen it before in this huge encyclopedic tome with over 288 illustrations to enhance your reading experience across 740 pages.

This is probably the most historically accurate and comprehensive study of the Times of the Gentiles ever produced. It does not adhere to any theological preferences or make reference to the Book of Revelation, so often used by Christian theologians to support a particular interpretation. Instead, I have followed the historical evidence to where it has led and as a result I have reached some startling and amazing conclusions. If there is any book that the reader should read on this subject it is this one.

By the time you have finished reading it you will be in the enviable position to truly appreciate what is happening in the Middle East today and where it is leading to. Today's news stories of the region will now make more sense, and you will see the world with different eyes.

This book is written for Jews, Christians and Muslims alike but primarily seen through the eyes of the Jews, because it is they who have been trampled upon by the nations for almost two thousand years, throughout the Times of the Gentiles. This tragedy that has prevailed for this long period of time has been of the Jews own making. Throughout the ages they have been led by a rabbinical elite who have instigated the greatest cover up in history, who even to modified their holy writings, the Tanakh (Old Testament), to cover their tracks. Not only did they know when the Messiah would come but when he did, they conspired to put him to death. So, Yahshua ben Joseph better known as Jesus prophesised against them, condemning the Jews to a long period of Gentile servitude as a precursor to His return.

It is against the backdrop of Jerusalem being trampled upon by the nations that we follow the fortunes of the Jews as they were scattered among the nations struggling to understand why God had abandoned them for so long. We see how and why the Jews were temporarily cut off from the blessings of a relationship with God which was given to the Gentiles. We also see how corruption entered the Christian communities so that one Church emerged from the ruins of Rome and changed the simplicity of the Gospel to teach doctrines of demons, including one that would forever be a stumbling block to the Jews.

The book traces the entire course of the Times of the Gentiles, from the time when they began in 135 AD with the Roman occupation of Jerusalem and ended in 1967 AD when Jordan, the final Gentile nation that held the Old City, relinquished control to a non-theocratic, atheist Zionist secular state that is the reborn nation of Israel, just as the Heberew prophets had prophesied.

We shall see prophesies and history merge in incredible ways and the words of Jesus and the Hebrew prophets coming alive. They tell of the destruction of Jerusalem and its Temple; the coming of the false Messiah, the building of the abomination of desolation where it should not be; the scattering of the Jews to all the nations; how God thwarted the building of the Third Temple several times; the appearance of the Suffering Messiah, the rise of the false Prophet and a Muslim king that entered Jerusalem through the Eastern Gate on a donkey; the sealing of the gate and the attempts to open it continuously foiled; Palestine becoming a desolate wasteland; the gathering of the Jews from the nations by an ungodly Zionist secular government, the creation of Israel in a single day; the link between the Cuban Crisis and end of the Gentile Times, the miracle of the Six-Day war; the recovery of all the lands that had been ancient Israel in former times; the extraordinary events on the Temple Mount in 1967 - and so on. All of which was foretold by the Jesus and the prophets.

Times of the Gentiles Chart

In fact, what you will read is an extraordinary story, full of twists and turns, in which we see God intervening in human affairs as he ensures that His Divine Plan for the redemption of mankind through his Messiah continues unhindered. Whether you follow Judaism, Christianity or Islam, this is one book that you will not want to ignore.

Six Days of Miracles

This is a short film, highlighting the miraculous events of the Six Day War, and emphasizing the Divine hand orchestrating these remarkable events from behind the scenes. The movie is based upon a story that commemorates the reunification of Jerusalem and the establishment of Israeli control over the Old City in the aftermath of the June 1967 Six-Day War. It is historically accurate based on Israel's official publications, but it is also attuned to the Hand of Heaven guiding and accompanying Israel throughout emphasizing the miraculous aspects of Israel's astonishing victory.