Kindle Writer: The Professional Self-Publishing Software
In 2011 I developed a software product called Kindle Writer which enable budding authors to write their book for the Kindle. This was at the time when a software product designed specifically for the Kindle did not exist. Since then, Kindle Writer evolved into Kindle Writer 2 and this has proven to be one of the most versatile and useful kindle writing software products ever produced and it has helped over 200 authors, young and old, to get their book published.
Kindle Writer 2 was last updated in July 2017 (build 11) and I now release KINDLE WRITER 3 with added enhancements while removing redundant features no longer required. I have for example removed the cover creation software and offer a professional low-cost £50 cover design service instead. Furthermore, KINDLE WRITER 3 is now FREE.

For many years I have had the pleasure of personally helping authors to realise their dreams and get their works published. I maintained a comprehensive website and provided real-time email support as part of the cost of purchasing Kindle Writer, which was only £25 ($30). However, in 2019 I decided that, being 68 years of age, I could not provide that personal service any longer. I wanted to concentrate on my own books and spend more time with my family. However, I did not want what is probably the best self-publishing software available to disappear into oblivion, especially as it has the ability to produce paperbacks as well. I have produced paperbacks for all my own books using Kindle Writer.
What to do? The solution I felt would be to give away Kindle Writer 3 for free and publish a much comprehensive manual in book form to replace the one which I originally published (Kindle Writer Simplfied). That way I could still make some income from Kindle Writer but still help budding authors get the best out of the software through the new book.
Sadly, with the cost of the Kindle Writer website had become expensive to host and maintain. I could not justify keeping it any longer, so on 24 April 2019, I closed it. However, I have put a subset of the website on my personal teklinepublishing website as listed above.